

7 Fun Family Activities to Celebrate July 4th

Can you believe summer has settled in to stay for a while? And just around the corner is one of our favorite holidays: The Fourth of July. Our nation actually declared its independence from England on July 2, 1776. But the Declaration of…

Undocumented Fighter: The Inspiring Story of Maria Luna

Editor’s Note: With President Obama’s Executive Order stopping the deportation of children of illegal immigrants, we highlight one of the “dreamers,” Maria Luna. A self-proclaimed, dream agent, Maria went public about her immigration…

Top 5 Educational Video Games for your Techie Kid

There are countless options for kids’ video games, with more being uploaded for purchase on Smart Phones and tablet computers every single day. However, many of the available games do nothing to really engage your child’s mind and instead…

Catastrophe Awards; How Far Should a Teacher's Punishment Go?

Christina Valdez, the mother of an 8-year-old girl who was singled out by her teacher for not doing her homework with a “catastrophe award,” says she is shocked by the attention this story is receiving. Two weeks ago, her daughter,…

How Gaming And Education Complement Each Other

Just about every parent of a video game enthusiast has pondered the level of genius their child could attain if he or she put the amount of focus, determination, and time into educational pursuits that they put into gaming. Well, as the following…

Memorial Day: What It Means

Since it was first declared a national holiday on May 5, 1868, Memorial Day has come to mean many things for Americans—a three-day weekend, the unofficial start of summer, a trip to the beach, picnics, barbecues, and fireworks. Most important,…

How Play Can Combat Bullying & Improve Learning

Researchers have found that investing in recess and organized play can prevent bullying, improve students’ behavior at recess and readiness for class, and provide more time for teaching and learning. Playworks, a national nonprofit that…

Prom Dresses For Free

Maria Ocegueda is going through a rack of dresses trying to find the perfect prom dress.  Maria and other girls from Polytechnic High School in Fort Worth, Texas, are looking for their dresses at a church fellowship hall. That’s where Cindy…

How to Protect Your Kids From Peer Pressure

You’ve seen it before: the midriff of a 13-year-old girl who is also wearing shorts so short they are more like a bikini bottom. And you’ve heard the stories of teens getting drunk during unsupervised house parties or worse, getting…