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FOX Logo-ReducedThe photos make like them look like girls who could be in my daughter’s middle school; however, I’m not looking at yearbook photos, I’m looking at the mug shots of two Florida tweens charged with felony aggravated stalking. Police say their history of online bullying and verbal and physical assault contributed to the suicide of a former classmate, 12-year-old Rebecca Sedwick.

Read Related: Anti-Bullying Tips and Advice from Dr. Phil

The alleged ringleader, age 14, launched a 10-month reign of terror against Rebecca because the then sixth-grader had the audacity to be the former girlfriend of Queen Bee’s beau. Yes, all this is over a boy. Queen Bee influenced at least 15 other girls to join the attack against Rebecca, and the pack even went after girls who tried to be friends with their target. Queen Bee managed to recruit Rebecca’s best friend to not only join the gang, but also to physically assault her.

On Sept. 10, Rebecca climbed a tower at an abandoned concrete plan and jumped to her death. Queen Bee took one last dig at her victim with a Facebook post that read, “yes I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself, but I don’t give a (expletive).”

Read the full article on Fox News Latino.