Entries by Shirley Rodriguez

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Tortilla Soup Recipe, Quick And Easy

Today, Cooking In A Mamiverse we have Sandra Velasquez, front lady for eclectic Latin band, Pistolera, and children’s music sensation, Moona Luna. When she’s not out touring the country playing music, she’s at home cooking for her 4-year-old daughter, Valentina. A committed mami, Sandra makes sure that she instills in Valentina a love for healthy […]


Childhood Food Allergies, Autism, and Halloween

As Halloween approaches, bags and bags of candy line the shelves of every store I walk into. Most of the brightly colored packages holding sweet treats my little boy could never even taste—treats that look innocent enough, but because of allergies could send him to the ER in an instant or worse. I look over […]


My Perfect Son Has Autism

“He can’t talk, but I think he is a genius!” “Really? How so,” she asked, hesitantly. I could hear my voice quiver as my nerves drove speed into my words. I felt the need to compensate for each concern I had about my son’s development with something I felt I could brag about to the […]