Entries by Lorraine Ladish


7 Top Concealers for Dark Circles

The best cure for dark circles is to get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet, drink water and exercise regularly. Now, what mom really has time for all of that on a daily basis? I certainly don’t! That’s why I resort to concealers that will help me look bright-eyed—or at least not sleep-deprived! After […]


How Hobbies Help Me Stay Sane

As a full-time working online mom with three kids, a dog, a significant other and an ex-spouse who I co-parent my kids with while living 120 miles away, you’d think I wouldn’t have time to pursue hobbies. A strong believer in establishing priorities, I actually make time for hobbies on a weekly basis. I grew […]


Why We Don’t Celebrate Men’s History Month (Yet!)

As we observe Women’s History Month and get ready to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, I’ve heard more than one man complain that there is no “Men’s History Month.” Why is there a month that honors women, they ask, and not men? I suppose the answer is more clear to us women—history has […]


Are You Cut Out to Work from Home?

Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, has the Internet ablaze with her memo to her “Yahoos,” published on All Things D, in which she states that as of June of 2013, all employees who were hired as telecommuters will instead be required to physically work in the Yahoo offices. Criticism of Mayer’s decision has been […]


Will Mothers Be the Champions of Gun Control?

Two months have passed since the Newtown tragedy, and while most of us are able to continue our lives as usual after our initial shock, disbelief and horror, the parents of the 20 children killed that day cannot. The families of the teachers killed that day cannot. The health and law enforcement professionals who arrived […]