Entries by Laura Fuentes


10 Top New Mom Questions

UPDATED June 17th, 2017 When I had my first child, I had lots of questions that I felt silly asking my doctor, friends or even family. Still, there are a lot of things new moms wonder about. And between the lack of sleep, adjusting to a new baby and not having a free minute to […]

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How to Host an A+ Easter Egg Hunt

For many, Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection; making spring a season of transformation, rebirth and renewal. For others, Easter is a fun holiday when families gather together and spend quality time among loved ones. Regardless of what you believe, Easter can be full of fun activities for the kids like the classic Easter Egg […]

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5 Mom Tested Tips to Beat the Dinner Rush

It’s that time again. That hour right before everyone gets hungry and needs to eat dinner, also known as the dinner rush. That hour where your children are tired and cranky after a long day. With three kids, usually one on my hip, I know that hour very well. It isn’t easy making dinner when […]


5 Tips to Manage After-School Activities

Long gone are the days when kids got off the school bus and played outside until Mom called, Dinner! Whether you work from home, outside the home or are your household’s CEO—moms are very busy these days—and so are our kids. Today’s children have numerous after-school activities, and parents must coordinate these in what I call […]


How to Help Your Child with Homework

I’ve heard it from other parents with older children in my daughter’s school: as soon as she enters first grade, the homework load is huge! Yeah right, I thought. How much could the teacher possibly send each night? Well, as it turns out, plenty. Some days, it takes us 45 minutes to get through her […]