Entries by Carol Dundas


Why It’s More Fun to Travel With Your Adult Kids

Family vacations change as your kids get older. You go from taking your toddlers to amusement parks and zoos to enduring decidedly unamused teenagers sulking in the backseat of the minivan. But when your kids are older, you may just find that the family vacation you take with your adult children can be really enjoyable. […]


20 Rules for Parents of College-Bound Kids

There’s a lot of preparation needed as your child readies to leave for college, and not all of it involves tuition payments and picking out a bedspread for her dorm room. As the senior year of high school gets underway and the rush to campus looms on the horizon, parents need to prepare themselves for […]


A Checklist for Parents with College Bound Kids

Senior year is momentous for many reasons, not the least of which is the college application process. Plus there are all those ‘lasts’—the last homecoming, the last football game, and finally, the last day. Before you can say “STOP!” your child will be leaving for college and independent life as an adult. After a lifetime […]


Fitness After 60; Water Aerobics

I’m pretty sure all swimsuit designers are men. For cute young women, the suits are colorful and becoming. For the over 60 crowd, well, let’s just say they cover things up. Men have fantasies about young women in bikinis. Not so much their mothers in Speedos. Nevertheless, I found a not-entirely-unflattering swimsuit that covered the […]


Fitness After 60: Benefits of Walking

Not too long ago I had a shoulder replaced due to arthritic degeneration. It was not a pleasant experience. According to my orthopedist, there’s little I can do about arthritis eating away at my joints. I can fight back, however. His advice—get moving. So at 60, I find myself doing something I’ve avoided for many […]


Tips for College Moving Day

Tips to make the best of college moving day for freshmen and their parents by a mom who’s been there, twice.  Graduation and prom are over, Beach Week is just a Facebook memory and soon—too soon for many of us—you’ll load up your child and half her belongings and head for the dorm. For the […]