

Yes, we’re serious—Fishing! This activity, which is typically relegated to grumpy old men, or men in general, is actually something we should all consider. Fishing provides us with time and space to relax, focus and quiet. When we’re out there on the water, we’re soaking up that vitamin D from the sunshine while engaging in often deep and meaningful conversations with our loved ones. It’s one of the few ways you can truly unplug.

Herbert Hoover once said, “Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers,” and we believe that to be entirely true. Fishing may be a lost art in skill, patience and truly slow living, but whether you catch a few smaller guys or something record breaking, the experience as well as the Omega-3 filled meal you get to enjoy later, are incredibly healthy for you. For body and mind, here are 10 life lessons from fishing that enlighten us.

1. Find Focus & Relaxation
Fishing is a sport that requires focus and time. It almost requires you to achieve a meditative state since you have to be quiet so as not to disturb the fish. Generally, you fish in tranquil environments that foster great relaxation.

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