If you’re a working women-and don’t fool yourself, we’re all working women- you know that career building techniques are not taught to little girls as they are little boys. We’re already a step or two behind when it comes to knowing how to build our careers. You already know that between men and women doing the same job, women are paid less. According to the Women’s National Law Center, “American women who work full-time, year-round are paid only 78 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts”. It doesn’t sound like much only twenty-two cents difference but, it means for every $100.00 a man is paid, a woman can expect $78.00.
We aren’t able to change the world and raise the “glass ceiling” off your shoulders. We have, however, gathered several techniques and ideas to help you plan a career path that guarantees success. Our suggestions are basic, sound strategies that will help you climb the corporate path without having to knife any co-workers along the way. Now, about that power suit you need….
1. Get Your Clock Right
People who are successful share a common trait; they’re punctual. If the snooze button is worn down on your alarm clock, time to change your evil ways. A reliable worker who shows up on time (or even ahead of time) is the person most likely to be promoted. You need skills of course but, showing up on time is an indication of a good work ethic and desire to advance with the company. We offer several ways you can get your ass out of bed and into the office on time.
2. Don’t Plateau
Keep up with the technology your career needs; take classes, attend workshops and put your new knowledge to work. Volunteer to work in different departments or to take on new tasks within your division. It’s easy to fall into a habit of doing the same old job and collecting the same old paycheck. If you want more from your career, reach for it using these methods.
3. Impress Your Boss
ou know you have to show up on time and continue your professional education. There are other ways you can impress your boss, too. Follow your boss’s style; respond to short emails with short emails, turn in work ahead of deadlines. Ask your boss’s opinion and approach your boss as you would approach a mentor seeking advice. Dress for success; if your boss wears dressy suits, don’t show up in jeans.
4. Master the Art of Freelancing
It’s easier than ever to telecommute, the internet doesn’t care if you’re working in an office or sitting on a mountain top. Some industries lend themselves to freelance work, some do not. If you’re lucky enough to have a chance to work freelance, take it. You won’t miss the commute, the obnoxious co-workers or a boss breathing down your neck. There are some basics you need to know before giving up the 9 to 5 grind though.
5. Know Your Worth
If you don’t know what your job is worth, shame on you. Look at what similar companies pay employees, talk with friends in the same field and get an idea of what your salary should be. Factor in experience and education, too. Be realistic about your skill set and your flexibility for travel, out of town assignments, etc.