
Why I’m Happy with My Small Breasts-MainPhoto

Why I’m Happy with My Small Breasts

I was 13 when that life-changing moment occurred. I was at the cinema, watching “Superman.” I got my first period right there in the theater! My Spanish stepmother hugged me and congratulated me. What for? I wondered, for growing up? I…
How I Fought Back Against Carjacking-MainPhoto

How I Fought Back Against Carjacking

It was a balmy Chicago summer night in 1998. My 12-year-old sister and I were headed to my boyfriend’s grandparents house with a platter of freshly grilled steaks. I had a nice car—a Jaguar XJ6c—which I was quite proud of. We were in…

Why I Said No to Free Botox

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As much as aging is not something anyone looks forward to, it’s an inevitable process we have to either suffer through or learn to accept. At a young age, we seem to be convinced that wrinkled, older people belong to a different species…

Is the U.S. Really the Best Country for Childbirth?

I don’t know of anyone who has the chance to travel the world looking for the best place to have a child, but if you could, what would you look for? First on my list would be the best health system for the mother and child during the pregnancy…

Carrying on After 7 Miscarriages

I am a Latina in her late 20s who should have eight kids by now. I’m not joking or poking fun at a stereotype when I say this. I have one child, born from my sixth pregnancy. I’ve been pregnant eight times. Eight. Those who know me think…

Women Rally Behind Makeup-Free Barbie Created by Mexican Graphic Artist

With her lacquered lashes and glossy lips, the Barbie doll has always been the picture of perfection. And while the doll has had her fair share of makeovers, this is the first time Barbie has had a 'makeunder' since she emerged on the scene…

The Healing Power of Social Networks

What better way is there to chase away the winter blues than getting together with your friends for a fun evening? Have you ever called a pal just to chat on a day when your spirits were down? The instant gratification we feel when socializing…

Mamiverse Interviews Elisa Lees Muñoz, New Executive Director of IWMF

On January 31, the International Women’s Media Foundation named Elisa Lees Muñoz as Executive Director. According to the IWMF press release, “Lees Muñoz brings more than 20 years of experience with human rights and media development…

Why We Don't Celebrate Men's History Month (Yet!)

As we observe Women’s History Month and get ready to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, I’ve heard more than one man complain that there is no “Men’s History Month.” Why is there a month that honors women, they ask,…