


20 Budget Travel Hacks to Maximize Your Cash

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Imagine going away for a fabulous vacation and coming home with money still in your wallet, a healthy bank account and no insane credit card bills looming next month. It is possible if you plan ahead and do some diligent research before you…

9 Ways Hotels are Getting Even Cooler

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Can you remember the last time you raved about one of your hotel rooms? We’re talking really went crazy about the service or the location or the food? If you’re one of the lucky ones who regularly enjoys some of these unique hotel rooms,…

Grub on the Go: The 19 Best Airport Eateries Around the World

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We don’t know about you, but travel always revs up our appetite. This feeling is only exaggerated when we are stuck in muggy airports during long delays and annoying layovers. We got tired of eating those soggy, prepackaged sandwiches and…

10 Bizarre Food Festivals for the Culinary Perverse

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Food makes the party every time. Certain foods are reminders of comfort—be it mom’s apple pie or Thanksgiving mashed potatoes. As kids we turned our noses up at strange food and as adults many of us still haven’t outgrown that habit.…

Best Photo Apps & Digital Filters to Make Your Vacay Look Pretty

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The setting was perfect. Your friends looked like a pair of supermodels in the glow of a sunset on a gorgeous beach. You snapped the picture at the perfect moment only to discover later that there wasn’t as much light as you thought. Moment…
20 Travel Tips for Traveling Solo -MainPhoto

20 Travel Tips for Traveling Solo

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If you and your partner can’t agree on a vacation destination, leave him behind and go alone. Likewise, if you happen to be single or just plain shy, solo travel can be a great way to break out of your shell. More and more women are traveling…

18 Reasons to Fall in Love with Colombia Right Now

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July 20 marks Colombia’s independence from Spain. Sadly, Colombia’s recent history of leftist guerrilla war combined with the illegal production of narcotics sold primarily to the U.S. made Colombia the token corrupt Hispanic nation, producing…

10 Electronics-Free Ideas to Entertain Your Kid on a Flight

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We know how plane rides go when you bring your kids along on your summer vacation. You settle into your seat with your guilty pleasure magazine, hoping for a quiet, peaceful flight. Before you know it, your children are squirming in their…

8 Desserts Ideas to Make on a Campfire

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Henry David Thoreau said, “The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter and is about as ample at one season as at another. It is as well for cheerfulness as for warmth and dryness.” There’s something about a…