Body image, self-confidence, addictions



How to Tell if You're in an Abusive Relationship

In any relationship, there's a fine line between passion and control. Here's how to tell the difference. And how to protect yourself. HIS WORDS HURT MORE THAN YOU THINK In one study, 77% of college women copped to being, or having…

Should You Forgive a Cheater?

Could you forgive infidelity? Should you forgive a cheater? If you are asking yourself this question, it means that a part of you is willing to forgive your partner’s infidelity. But, there is not a universal or simple answer as to whether…

From Soccer Mom to Evening Diva: Makeup Guide

Whether you are a stay-at-home mami or work full-time in an office, you can rely on simple makeup tips to go from soccer mom to evening diva in minutes. WORK WITH WHAT YOU’VE GOT If you have been running errands all day, picking up…

News Anchor Responds On-Air to Bully

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WKBT anchor Jennifer Livingston’s response to a particularly nasty viewer letter about her weight is a wonderful example of how to handle a bully—for kids and adults. We love her moxie and we hope her message makes bullies think twice about…

How to Recognize & Help Victims of Domestic Violence

At one time or another, you may have suspected that a friend, neighbor or loved one was a victim of domestic violence. Maybe she bore the telltale marks of physical abuse, or the more subtle signs of depression and isolation that accompany…

Suicide: When & Why You Should Talk About It

The word “suicide” in conversation is not exactly an icebreaker. Nevertheless, if you have a family member or close friend who is a suicide survivor, learning how to talk about suicide will help your friends and family cope, and it might…

How to Look Good in Pictures: Tricks for Tired Moms

I love to take pictures of my kids. Don’t all moms? Looking at them later on and seeing the children grow and experience life is incredibly rewarding. But it’s also a great way to avoid being in front of the camera, especially if we hate…

My Mom Was My Hero & Role Model

My Mom was my biggest hero and role model: She will be a tough act to follow. Throughout my life, I’ve operated on gut feelings, omens and premonitions. But the day my mother died, I never got a sign or felt an intuition that she…

How to Attain Happiness!

Attaining happiness is a common goal. And while each person’s measure of happiness is a very unique and personal experience, we all can attain it. Our individual happiness depends on different factors, some we have no control of and others…