Tips on managing motherhood


No Shame in Using Food Stamps

I was at the supermarket checkout line when the cashier asked me if I wanted to make a donation for the needy. I would have liked to, but instead, I flashed my food stamps card and shook my head, saying: “I can’t. This time, I’m the…

Mothers Weep in Alabama...Once Again

How many mothers are weeping in Alabama? That’s what I keep asking myself as I scan the headlines and news stories coming out of the state now known as home to the harshest immigration law in the country. That’s what I keep wondering…

Take the Million Moms Challenge and Help Other Mothers

At least one woman will die while pregnant or during childbirth in the time that it will take you to read this story. And many more children—one every 20 seconds—will die of a vaccine-preventable disease. Read Related: Our Online Family:…

A Child's Mantra: How it Helped This Latina Mom

My daughters and I love going to the beach and enjoying the calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. While my 10-year-old enjoys trying to surf even when the waves are not big enough, my seven-year-old prefers to make sandcastles by my side. On…

Young Style Celebs Every Mami Must Know

Before you embark on the annual melodrama of back to school shopping with your teen, take a moment to acquaint yourself with her style icons. These fashion newcomers are a refreshing blend of modern youth and savvy sophistication. Each has…

No Kids Allowed: Is the ''The Brat Ban'' Good For Business?

On July 16, McDain’s Restaurant in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, made headlines when the management banned children under 6 from dining at the establishment. Owner of the casual bistro, Mike Vuick, sent an email to his customers, which read:…

A Baseball Player´s Wife & Her Quest for Success

You might think the life of a baseball wife is very glamorous (and it often is), but it can also be challenging to maintain a “normal” and healthy sense of family, particularly given my husband’s demanding schedule and his profession’s…
6 Things Parents Should Know About Bullying-MainPhoto

A Single Mom's Guide to Dealing With Bullies

Few things strike fear into the heart of a single mother more than learning that her child is being bullied. When that child is a boy, it can be even more frightening because, let’s face it, boyworld is a very different place; one we just…

I'd Rather Be Home Than at the Oscars

The twins were 10-months-old and we were on our way to Mommy and Me. Simple enough, right? Wrong! Anyone who has had twins fully recognizes that this simple outing requires about two-and-a-half hours of planning, prepping, and coaxing just…