Tips on managing motherhood



Breaking Mom’s Heart: A Daughter’s Guilt Over Moving Out

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 I've decided it's time to get my own place. But I feel an enormous amount of guilt over this. I concocted this plan after a ridiculous battle ensued between Mami and me. The culprit: a mountain of clothing. The…

Panda Mom Shock! Even in Nature, Babies are Unpredictable...

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Apparently, humans aren’t the only ones to totally zone out while mindlessly eating. How else to explain this mama panda’s shock when her cute, cuddly baby panda simply moved? Or was that a sneeze? Gazuntite, little baby! For more fantastic…

Recognizing a Mother's Pride in Her Kids

Mami says that she’s proud of me, but I don’t always believe her. It could be because I’m an Aries. (Aries are known to be tough on the outside, yet our ruler Mars makes us secretly insecure.) Or maybe it’s the limited ways in which…

How to Be a Good Enough Mother

“I feel I need to be perfect. I was like this pre-baby, but something about having a child makes you go into overdrive on the perfection.” “I want so badly to be everything to my child. I feel like I should take her out every day and…
Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher

Honoring the Iron Lady in Our Lives

Watching The Iron Lady on the big screen, I was suddenly taken out of the film by a flash of recognition. For a moment, I saw my great aunt Concepcion—known to us as To (my brother and I called her Toe)—come to life before me. Like Margaret…

Murderous Mothers: Why Moms Kill Their Kids

Murderous mothers, mothers who kill their own children. Impossible? The unconditionally epic miracles of pregnancy and motherhood are so universally regarded with positivity, warmth, bonding and an unwavering sense of maternal protection—that…

Not Meant to be a Mom?

“You’re getting pregnant this weekend,” my doctor announced. I sat up to look at him between my feet in the exam table stirrups. “Are you sure?” He showed me the results of the internal ultrasound: Those three little blobs were…

I Want to Party Like...My Parents!

In Proust’s novel, Remembrance of Things Past the narrator is transported back in time with the taste of the soft cookies called Madeleines dipped in tea. For me it is hearing the laughter of adults at a party. My parents threw great…

The Pain Of Moms Competing Against Moms

The dictionary defines “competition” as “an event in which people try to outdo others". In the instance of mommyhood, such an event is an everyday occurrence for some mothers. Whether it’s trying to look as good as the mom who lost…