
How to Choose Words that Empower You

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We’ve all heard that actions speak louder than words, but let’s not underestimate the power that words have over our life. The power to empower. After all, words can inspire you, they can make you smile, they can make you think and they…

Grateful for Gratitude: 8 New Ways to Get You Thinking About Thankfulness

Have you spent the last few weeks shopping for gifts and wrapping the gifts and buying food to serve guests and maybe even splurged on a new party outfit? Then you need to stop for a minute and be grateful that you’ve been able to do all…

Ink It: 15 Reasons Why the Handwritten Note Wins Every Time

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Ah, the art of the handwritten note. Ring a bell to anyone? When was the last time you wrote a letter? No, not an email. Not a text, or a Snapchat, or a Facebook message or even an e-card. When was the last time you picked up an actual pen…
Why I Left My Heart In Haiti-MainPhoto

Why I Left My Heart In Haiti

It´s hard to imagine the beauty of a country like Haiti unless you’ve traveled there. Even after the devastating 2010 earthquake that put Haiti in the news for unfortunate reasons, its natural charisma shines through. I was lucky to spend…