Baby related articles.


10 Reasons Circumcision is So Controversial-MainPhoto

10 Reasons Circumcision is So Controversial

May 2 is Baby Day, where we celebrate the babies of the world! We love babies (our own anyway, most of the time) and try to always treat them with kindness and compassion, even when the crying makes us want to gouge our eyes out… Where were…
20 Classic Baby Names that Defy Trends-MainPhoto

20 Classic Baby Names that Defy Trends

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Baby Day is May 2 and we’re celebrating all the babies we love by chatting about baby names! Every parent wants to pick just the right name for their child, something original but not so unique that it can’t be pronounced by schoolteachers…
Spring Cleaning For Your Baby-MainPhoto

Spring Cleaning for Your Baby

Spring cleaning is a common practice for many families. We often take extra time to dust, clean closets, and shampoo upholstery in the spring but, when we have a baby, there are some special baby safe cleaning procedures that should be added…
Top 5 Breast Pumps-MainPhoto

Top 5 Breast Pumps

I had the hardest time when I started breastfeeding my baby. Not because I didn’t have enough colostrum for him—quite the contrary—but because, as a first-time mom, I felt clumsy and frustrated every time I had to feed him. Was I doing…
Best Alternative Teething Remedies-MainPhoto

Best Alternative Teething Remedies

Acetaminophen overdose is a common occurrence in American households. More recently, Ibuprofen formulas and dosages have been criticized and revamped to avoid confusion leading to over and under medicating infants and children. Dosage error…
How a Man Feels When His Wife Tells Him She’s Expecting-MainPhoto

How a Man Feels When He Learns His Wife Is Expecting

When a man learns that his wife or partner is expecting, his life changes completely. Recently a student of mine, a 30-year old woman, announced, in shock, in class, that she was pregnant. What she said, and how she said it, almost in agony,…
Breastfeeding Through Mastitis-MainPhoto

Breastfeeding Through Mastitis

Last week, I felt a little clog in my right breast. No big deal; I have an oversupply of milk so I get a little backed up from time to time—nothing some massage in a hot shower can’t take care of. But this time was different. At yoga that…
Six Sexy Ways to Coax Your Man Into Babysitting

Six Sexy Ways to Get Your Man to Babysit

You need to get your spouse to babysit! Here's how! A small child is a bundle of joy for sure, but sometimes all that joy can be overwhelming, and hey, we need a break! Nannies are nice, but who can afford them 24/7? Daycare? Well yes,…
Devil Baby Attack

Caught on Camera: Devil Baby Attack!

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A frighteningly realistic animatronic Devil Baby took his remote control stroller on a rampage through the streets of New York City this week. Hidden cameras caught the hysterical, horrified reactions of innocent passersby as even jaded New…