

As any parent knows there is a LOT to worry about when it comes to raising your kids. Everything from sleep training and potty training to dealing with bullies and boyfriends, kids take a lot of work from the second they enter this world. And if you thought the work ended when your child learns to wipe her own butt or enters her teen years, time for a rude awakening—teenagers are tough. Also, they don’t always make the best decisions. And they have sex. Let the parental fun begin!

We’ve all heard scary statistics and terrifying stories about teenage pregnancy. Luckily there’s plenty of advice out there to help our kids avoid the teenage pregnancy trap. The good news is that rates of teenage pregnancy have been declining in recent years. Yes, you read that correctly, we said DECLINE. And let us all say, phew. According to Sarah Brown, CEO of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, “The decline has been fueled by three factors: more teens are waiting to have sex; they also report fewer sexual partners and better use of contraception.” If you want your family to be a part of the decline and help with preventing teen pregnancy, here are 15 tips to get you started.

1. Open Lines of Communication Early
Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. If you hope teen pregnancy doesn’t happen, you’re not really doing anything to prevent it. Be open and honest with your daughter from a young age, talk about the consequences of unprotected sex, explain the very real possibility of unplanned pregnancy or STDs, and listen to what she has to say as well.

Read Related: Teen Pregnancy: What to Do?