

Yes, we’re serious. This is a selfie generation, and according to recent numbers released by Google and reported by The Huffington Post, “we’ve uploaded no less than 24 billion of them in the past year—and that’s just Google Photos, not counting pictures shared on Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, iCloud, and other photo-sharing sites.” If you look up the hashtag #selfie on Instagram you get 254,266,603 posts. That is a LOT of selfies.

So as you prepare to hit the beach or pool, you might consider taking a selfie or two of your own. But before you do snap that bikini selfie, there are some things to consider. As with anything you post to social media, once you put an image out there for the Internet world to consume, it’s there forever, and it’s available for public consumption forever. And as anyone who has ever taken a bad photo can understand, those unflattering photos can haunt you for a long time. And the sad reality is that not everyone on the Internet is nice and supportive; in fact, they can be downright mean. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying a bathing suit selfie is a bad idea, and if you’re ready for it, then more power to you. But here are 9 things to think about before you post that swimsuit shot, and to help you make that shot as flattering and positive as possible.