
How-to-Handle-Passive-Aggressive-Emails-MainPhotoUPDATED June 17th, 2017

Whoever started that tidbit about how emails shouldn’t be read into was outright lying. Emails are made of words. And words are fully loaded with meaning. You can twist them around. Toss them. Fast-pitch a strike with one.

Social-Networking-Savior-or-Demon-Photo3You. Can. Deliver. Them. Slowly. ¡Accentuate them! And nowadays, you can even #Accessorize. 🙂

Then there’s oral communication: A tête-à-tête dialogue is like a game of tennis. A heart-wrenching breakup like a wrestling match. An intense debate is like playing a championship tournament. Yes, the conversation is one of the oldest sports on earth.


Words, in any kind of exchange, do score points. Positive points and negative ones. They can be used constructively to encourage, comfort and illustrate our love. But words exchanged in the throes of discontent, anger and sadness can be outright lethal. Understanding the origin of words when they are sent our way is key to not only keeping the peace at home, but for maintaining healthy professional relationships. When studying  this seemingly “simple” email transaction below our sixth sense is likely to tell us that something is lurking beneath the surface.

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