Mangolicious Pico de Gallo Recipe
Recipes, Sides & Sauces
In Mexico, mango season marks the arrival of spring—the ushering out of all the citrus fruits (goodbye, juicy tangerines) and the arrival of slippery, wet-fleshed fruits from the tropics. Mangoes pop up on the street corners, in plastic…
The Swan And The Essence of Nely Galán
Life, Power Latina News
At some point in our lives, we are all tested. We find ourselves at a crossroad where we must face a challenge, or series of challenges that force us to stand back and reassess the landscape of our reality. Such a crossroad in life could be…
Are Parents Always the Best Role Models?
Honor Roll, School
Last October, my colleague sat with a boy of 16 and his mother for a required parent-teacher conference. The boy had failed his first quarter and was presently failing the second. When my colleague broke this news to the boy’s mother, she…
The Library: The Best Place to Entertain Your Kid in Summer
Money, Traveling
If you’re running out of ideas to entertain your children this summer, don’t overlook the city library. Your local branch provides the perfect opportunity to help your child keep up with summer learning—and it’s air-conditioned, a…
Great Summer Salads with Greens
Recipes, Soups & Salads
Our love affair is approaching the three-year mark. It started when I fell deeply in love with Kale. But soon, I was seeing Bok Choy. Then Tatsoi, Mustard and Dandelion greens. Then came Escarole, Broccoli Rabe, and Swiss Chard. Followed by…
5 Facts About Dyslexia
Resources, School
According to The International Dyslexia Association, “dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and…
Fun Craft Projects for Kids
Resources, School
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. —Pablo Picasso
400 guests.
More gifts than we could fit in our car.
Dollar dance money bulging from the silky drawstring bag.
All of it is a blur.…
I'm Not the Nanny, Says This Latina Mom
Health, Parenting
We were at a Manhattan water park when it happened. I was with my then 3-year-old daughter, Luna, playing in a sandpit on a foul, chilly morning beneath clouds that looked like ripped paper. It was no day to be outside, but living in a city…
Learning from a Child With Dyslexia
Resources, School
Curly-headed, with big, expressive brown eyes, Amelia was a late-in-life baby, an only child who, in the opinion of her adoring parents, was destined for greatness. When she began Pre-K, my husband and I had big dreams that her little school…