Multicultural Crafts to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage This Month-MainPhoto

One of the world’s most beautiful birds, the resplendent quetzal is found in the cloud forests of the Americas and once played an important role in Mesoamerican mythology. In fact, the quetzal has played such an important role in Guatemala’s history that it has been named the national bird, an image of it appears on the country’s flag, and the local currency is named the quetzal. A sacred bird to the Mayan civilization, its fame is most closely tied to the story of the prince Tecún Umán, Guatemala’s Mayan hero who was said to have fought against the conquistador Don Pedro de Alvaredo, even though he didn’t stand a chance. You can read more about the fascinating tale, here.

My favorite quetzal craft may be this one from DLTK, but they also have an easier one for small hands.