Remember before you had kids, and you’d hear some frazzled mom say something absolutely absurd to her children? Yeah, I’m that mom. Ever since I had a baby, I’ve been amused, shocked and dismayed at some of the statements that have come out of my mouth! Here are some of the real winners—these are just the ones I can remember, I’m sure there are many, many more—starting from when my son insisted on saying “Papa” instead of “Mama.”
So where do I pick up my Mother of the Year Award?
Start saying Mama once in a while and maybe I’ll be a little nicer to you!
Quit biting the couch!
Read Related: Mommyisms: Top 10 Saying Your Mom and You Will Say
Don’t stick your finger in the dog’s eye!
Don’t lick the computer!
This is not a democracy!
Don’t dance on the coffee table!
Don’t run with a knife in your mouth!
Don’t eat the dog’s food!
- You cannot have olives for lunch!
Don’t give your pacifier to the dog!
What about you? What’s the most absurd thing you’ve ever said to your kid? Tell us in Comments, below!