Three Mom Bloggers on What Makes Them Smile During the Holidays-MainPhoto
Three Mom Bloggers on What Makes Them Smile During the Holidays-MainPhoto

Mujer Versátil

Christmas is right around the corner and we’re all feeling the holiday spirit. However, in the mad dash to find last-minute gifts and prepare for entertaining a houseful of guests it’s easy to forget what happy holidays are all about. We would all benefit from setting aside our to-do lists and taking the time to reflect on our favorite family traditions and what’s most meaningful to us at this time of year. Three of our favorite mom bloggers did just that—sharing their memories of happy holidays. They remind us that holiday spirit isn’t all about the presents—giving thanks, the joy of children and celebrating family are what really make us smile.

These posts are the first in a series of posts about Holiday Smiles, brought to you by Colgate.

On Mujer Versátil, Claudia Gomez reflects on growing up in a poor neighborhood in Medellin, Colombia and the true meaning of Christmas.

La Navidad en mi ciudad natal Medellín Colombia siempre es más alegre y se comparte más con los vecinos y amigos. Desde que tengo memoria, recuerdo que en noviembre nos reuníamos los vecinos y colectábamos dinero para adornar la cuadra con guirnaldas, cadenetas y para hacer el pesebre vecinal. Desde que tengo memoria, recuerdo que en noviembre nos reuníamos los vecinos y colectábamos dinero para adornar la cuadra con guirnaldas, cadenetas y para hacer el pesebre vecinal.