COSMO-Should You Move In WIth Him?-MainPhoto

COSMO-Should You Move In WIth Him?-MainPhoto

COSMO Latina Logo-ReducedSo you’re in love and considering moving in with your boyfriend. Before you do that, remember that moving in is a big step. Most couples do it thinking it means you’re in a committed relationship, but a recent study actually showed that nearly 52 percent of men and 39 percent of women who moved in together said they weren’t secure about their relationships. Here are some signs that you need to push that idea back a little.

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You’ve been dating less than one year
Rule of thumb. Because you see every side of a person when you live with them, you want to make sure you’ve been with them long enough to prepare for what is yet to come. Getting to know every aspect of a person in a matter of months can be overwhelming.

You can’t seem to compromise on anything
When you spend time with each other, you can’t ever seem to agree with anything. This is a bad sign. When you live someone, it’s all about compromise, from splitting bills to splitting chores. If you can’t even agree on whether you should cab it or take the subway, you’re probably not ready to make the big move with him.

Read the full article on Cosmopolitan for Latinas.