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Stagnation Nation: 15 Ways to Tell if You Need a Career Change

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During the recent economic crisis people held on to their jobs for dear life. The fear of risking a steady income kept many workers from seeking more meaningful employment that was more relevant to their education. As the economy recovers,…

10 Ways to Tell if You're Being Confident Versus Cocky

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Feeling self-assured in whatever you do, whether it’s a presentation at work or just cooking dinner, is always a plus. Confident people do what they need to do without needing praise and admiration. A cocky person, however, is actually less…

15 Ways to Make Your Watermelon Fancy

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It’s safe to say that most folks’ favorite summer fruit is the watermelon, and for good reason. It’s super high in the antioxidant lycopene, but also has potassium and vitamins A, B6 and C. Watermelon happens to be the most consumed…

The Soulful Sweet Spot: 15 Ways to Make Your Work-Life Balance Right for You

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We’re all guilty of it. The proverbial vicious cycle of working to support your life and trying to find time to enjoy said life while working. It's our modern Sisyphusian state of affairs—where we somehow always feel like we’re struggling…

10 Reasons Why Being a Tech Geek is the New Black

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We all know a geek. In days gone by they ran the audio-visual equipment at school or set up the announcer’s booth at the football game. These days, however, being a geek means you hold the whole world in your hand. Geeks have become indispensable.…

Coconut Arroz con Leche: Dessert Rice Pudding

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Arroz con leche, or rice pudding, was a favorite of mine as a kid. Not many desserts have a children’s song named after them, so right away you know that it has to be good. I recently got a craving to revive this classic, but I thought…

8 Signs You're Being Too Sarcastic

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Researchers have found that kids as young as four years old can be sarcastic and studies have shown that exposure to sarcasm can improve problem-solving skills. So when your preschool child rolls her eyes and utters something snarky, try not…

20 Budget Travel Hacks to Maximize Your Cash

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Imagine going away for a fabulous vacation and coming home with money still in your wallet, a healthy bank account and no insane credit card bills looming next month. It is possible if you plan ahead and do some diligent research before you…

9 Ways Hotels are Getting Even Cooler

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Can you remember the last time you raved about one of your hotel rooms? We’re talking really went crazy about the service or the location or the food? If you’re one of the lucky ones who regularly enjoys some of these unique hotel rooms,…