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The Thaw Laws: How to Properly Defrost Frozen Items

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In a perfect world there would be no frozen items, you would only eat fresh produce and you would cook every night, without making daily trips to your local supermarket. In the real world that will NEVER happen. Blame your kids or your job…

Blemish Patrol: 6 Natural Pimple Remedies to Combat Zits at any Age

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Just because you survived adolescence doesn’t mean you’re in the clear for acne. In fact a 2012 study published in the Journal of Women's Health  found that acne affects nearly half of all women ages 21- 30, a quarter of women ages 31-40,…
Romantic Stay-at-Home Valentine's Dinner Recipes for Two-MainPhoto

Romantic Stay-at-Home Valentine's Dinner Recipes for Two

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You can be romantic and practical by choosing to dine in this Valentine’s Day. Besides, if you don’t already have reservations, it’s probably too late to get into the best places, as more than 70 million Americans eat out on Valentine’s…

Stay Strong: 5 Key Thing to Help you During Cold and Flu Season

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You don’t need the evening news to tell you it’s cold and flu season, the signs are everywhere. Office staff is depleted; schools suffer record absences and over the counter medications are cleared off the shelf. The Center for Disease…

Tried and True: Vintage Beauty Tips and Tricks that Still Work Wonders

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It may be 2015, but vintage beauty tips and tricks aren't necessarily outdated, in fact, they might be more useful than ever. There is a reason women like Katherine Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe are still beauty icons several decades after they…

Closeness Chronicles: 6 Ways to Think About Healthy Relationships Now

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At the mention of ‘friends’ does your mind go to a TV show, a song or the image of your best buddy? Throughout our lives, if we’re lucky, we are blessed with healthy relationships. Defining friendship is not the easiest thing but Oprah…

Tea Time: Great Tea Party Ideas to Try Right Now

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January is National Hot Tea Month and we've rounded up some fabulous tea party ideas so you can celebrate this cozy beverage in style. If you're planning a wedding or baby shower, an afternoon tea party is perfectly lovely. It's also a great…

Career in Gear: 5 Ways to Think About Professional Goals Right Now

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If you’re a working women-and don’t fool yourself, we’re all working women- you know that career building techniques are not taught to little girls as they are little boys. We’re already a step or two behind when it comes to knowing…

New You: 5 New Beauty Treatments to Try This Year

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Whether or not you buy into the concept of New Year's resolutions, one thing is undeniable: a new year is a great excuse to try something new, and we've got our eye on some amazing new beauty treatments for 2015. Sure, you could try a new…