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Girls Getaway: South Beach

I was never more popular than when I lived in a tiny studio apartment on Miami Beach. The bed pulled out of the wall, there was permanent construction in the building, and the neighbors were suspicious. But there was a view of the ocean and…

The Library: The Best Place to Entertain Your Kid in Summer

If you’re running out of ideas to entertain your children this summer, don’t overlook the city library. Your local branch provides the perfect opportunity to help your child keep up with summer learning—and it’s air-conditioned, a…

Mamiverse Guide to Cabo San Lucas

My friend called me recently and instead of saying "hello," she greeted me with those five words every new mami has uttered in desperation, "I. Need. To. Get. Away." That's exactly how she said it. A period after each distressed word. She…

Education Daycations: How to Fight Summer Boredom

Summer is the time to relax, to have fun, to chill, to sit on your lounge chair in the backyard and soak up the sun and silence. Riiiight. Any well-seasoned mami knows that as soon as she sits her butt on any chair and closes her eyes, those…