My wacky jobs as a Single Mom
Money, Work
“A mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do,” especially when it comes to a single mom going through tough financial times. There is practically nothing a mother wouldn’t do to feed her family, and I’ve certainly done my fair share…
10 Tips for Extreme Couponing
Dollars and Sense, Money
Most of us have seen one of those extreme couponing reality shows on TV—the ones where the shoppers walk out paying pennies for 10 carts full of goods. Seems too good to be true, right? While I don’t know for certain whether the show…
Crazy Tech Gadgets for Women
Money, Technology
There sure are plenty of wacky tech gadgets to choose from these days. But what’s out there just for the ladies? I've rounded up a few tech contraptions just for women and divided them into two categories: Clever and Crazy. It’s up to…
What to Do if You Missed Tax-Free Sales Week
Dollars and Sense, Money
Seventeen of the eighteen states that have enacted a state sales tax holiday have held theirs over the past few weeks; Texas has it slated for the weekend of August 17-19. Are you kicking yourself because you missed your window of opportunity…
5 Cash-Generating Gigs for Stay-at-Home Moms
Money, Work
Wouldn't you like to make more money or have extra cash in your pocket? What’s holding you back? With a changing economy, more and more people are opting to work for themselves. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 40% of the country's…
10 Ways to Teach Your Kids Good Money Habits
Dollars and Sense, Money
In a struggling economy and with family incomes in constant flux, it’s important to teach your kids good money habits. This includes learning to distinguish between needs and wants, the value of saving, and how to delay gratification. Below…
Gaming With Granny
Money, TechnologyCan you imagine Granny as a gamer? The good news is that today’s seniors have found a way to connect online and remain engaged and mentally active even if they’re not as mobile as they were in their younger years. According to this infographic,…
10 Ways to Save $2K a Year on Groceries
Dollars and Sense, Money
Do you wish you could save on groceries, but aren’t sure where to begin cutting down?
In my last article, I mentioned how, according to the book American Wasteland, the average American wastes 25% of the food that they buy, totaling up…
Save for Retirement Without Noticing It
Dollars and Sense, Money
I’m a firm believer that where there’s a will, there’s a way. Sometimes all you need is a little help finding your way or at least someone to point you in the right direction. So if you are having trouble starting or keeping up with…