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Looking Ahead: 15 Things to Consider When Planning Your Family’s Winter Vacay

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Planning a winter family vacation can be tough. You’ve got a million opinions from your loved ones when it comes to where to go and what to do and there’s always the price tag to worry about when all is said and done. Speaking of which,…

Playing Dumb: 14 Common Tech Issues Every Woman Should Know How to Address

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Let’s face it—the damsel in distress act is a great way to get the tech guy to fix your computer problems at the office. But if you work for yourself or are simply trying to operate your electronics at home, you might not have the time…

The Art of an Epic Autumn: 15 Glorious Places to Watch the Foliage Change

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Fall foliage is one of our favorite things about this time of year. All across the country, you can find unique displays of leaves in varying colors, patterns and textures. The USDA Forest Service tells us that, “Many of the Forest Service's…

Prompt Queen: 12 Ways to Make Sure You Get to Work on Time

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Are you the last one into the office? If so, you probably feel like you need to be the last one out, too. If you’re tired of late nights at work and the vicious circle of being exhausted and not getting to work on time again in the morning,…

Saving Grace: The 20 Best Coupon Websites Out There

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Life can get expensive if you're not smart about how you spend, or more importantly, how you save. Couponing (the act of using coupons, and yes, it's a word) and coupon sites are more popular than ever, and for many people also more important…

Innovating Lady: 10 Signs that Say You are an Entrepreneur

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Do you find yourself spending a lot of time just sitting in your office, wishing you could pursue your dreams and be your own boss? If you’re wondering if you’re brave and just nuts enough to risk everything to start your own enterprise,…

The Virtual Elves: 15 Great Apps to Help Streamline Your Holiday Shopping

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If holiday shopping gives you an instant stomachache, you were definitely born in the right millennium. The advent of the app, a portable assistant that is no further than your smartphone, has revolutionized just about every aspect of our…

Loud & Proud: 15 Reasons Why it’s Okay that You Earn More than Your Man

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According to Pew Research, the pay gap between men and women with similar qualifications and education is narrowing. Yes, this is GREAT news for gender equality but before you pop open the champagne, the Paycheck Fairness Act was blocked by…

No Plateau: 15 Ways to Ensure You Don’t Stagnate at Work

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Career stagnation isn’t pretty. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to become complacently comfortable at work. You become accustomed to the consistent pay check and feel obligated to stay in a job that you might not hate but certainly don’t…