In Defense of the Selfie Stick
Featured Stories, Money, Technology
The selfie stick has turned out to be one of the most polarizing phone accessories on the planet. Selfie pole haters seem to be the most vocal faction but selfie stick lovers clearly outnumber them or the haters wouldn't have anything to complain…
Your New Go-To Hotels List for 2016
Featured Stories, Money, Traveling
New year, new travel goals. As we kick off 2016, the sad realization that the holidays have come and gone sets in, which means one thing: time to plan your next vacation. And we’ve got good news for you: there are a LOT of unbelievable hotels…
9 Reasons You Need to Hire a Virtual Assistant
Money, Slider, Work
Feeling overwhelmed with research, calls, emails and scheduling so many meetings? If it seems that your personal errands aren’t allowing you to get to your core tasks at work to boot, maybe you need to rethink a new type of delegation strategy—cue…
10 Best Apps We Can't Wait to Try in 2016
Featured Stories, Money, Technology
Ring in the new year with the best apps you've just got to try in 2016! From keeping your New Year's resolutions, to staying organized, to de-stressing at the end of the day — there's are plenty of cool apps for that. We've rounded up 10…
10 Internet Trends We Pray Will Stop Haunting us in 2016
Money, Slider, Technology
Every year we go through the same pre-NYE routine…we reflect on the trends, the highlights from the past year, the best songs, the best memories, our greatest achievements, the most scandalous celebrity gossip, the biggest news stories…and…
8 Tips on How to Raise Credit Score Right Now
Dollars and Sense, Featured Stories, Money
When it comes to your finances and things like how to raise credit score, there are a lot of opportunities to be confused, and quite frankly, overwhelmed. And while it can seem easier to just ignore what you don’t know and assume your money…
How to Win at Your Office Secret Santa this Year
Money, Work
The Secret Santa gift exchange is a holiday tradition in many offices. It definitely takes the pressure off of having to come up with an individual card or gift for everyone but it can still be pretty stressful. Especially if you wind up with…
Sojourning Right: 10 Winter Vacation Ideas that are Non-Tourist Traps
Money, Slider, Traveling
Usually the go-to winter vacation ideas involve beaches or skiing. Unfortunately, when everyone is thinking the same thing those destinations can be crowded and pricey. Once you've made it through the hectic holiday season — battling crowds…
Working Girl: How to Give Your Home Office Desk Some Aesthetic Love
Featured Stories, Money, Work
Every day has 24 useful hours, but chances are you spend a LOT of those hours at your home office desk, and unless you’re one of the lucky few whose office boasts a beautiful view, your desk is probably a little dark and depressing to look…