Family life, celebrities, entertainment, opinion, interviews and more.

7 Quotes by César Millán to Help You Raise Your Dog & Your Kids!-SliderPhoto

7 Quotes by César Millán to Help You Raise Your Dog &Your Kids!

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Although César Millán is known as the Dog Whisperer, his tips to train and raise dogs could very well apply to life in general. Not only that, some of them could also come in handy when dealing with other people, and even your own kids!…

Looking for Love? Try These Popular Latino Dating Sites

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 Online dating has moved well beyond the simple formula of boy meets girl. Now, there are sites for just about every taste and desire. There are sites for gay men and women to find their same sex soul mates; there…
6 Life Lessons from Downton Abbey-MainPhoto

6 Life Lessons from Downton Abbey

The phenomenal miniseries on PBS, Downton Abbey, is much more than just a soap opera or  telenovela with British accents. The superbly-written, well-crafted and well-acted show presents a highly detailed and realistic look at life in an English…
Will I Ever Feel Like a Good Enough Dad?-MainPhoto

Will I Ever Feel Like a Good Enough Dad?

Ever since my son was born I have struggled to be the best dad ever, and I often feel like I’m coming up short. I’ve been told by others that I’m a good dad, so why can’t I relax? I wonder, will I ever feel like a good enough dad? After…
10 Things Women Need to Know About Immigration in 2014-MainPhoto

10 Things Women Need to Know About Immigration in 2014

You don't have to be an immigrant to care about reform. Whether you're a U.S. citizen or undocumented, the issue affects everyone — especially young American women. 1. Immigration is a women's issue. Though the media and political pundits…
Imperfect Christmas

Did You Have an Imperfect Christmas Holiday? So did I & It's Ok!

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According to the unattainable standards of all lifestyle magazines, my Christmas holidays were absolutely imperfect! I was just browsing social media to see whether I was alone, and of course, I’m not. I read a friend’s post on Facebook…
How I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions-SliderPhoto

Dreaming & Doing: How I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions

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Before I write my resolutions or goals for the New Year, I always make a list of things I’m proud to have accomplished in the past 12 months. This helps me feel good about myself as I start out assertively and purposefully planning for the…
Santiago Stays-MainPhoto

Santiago Stays

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 Santiago is an extremely stubborn petite French bulldog. When his young owner asks him to go for a walk, Santiago refuses to move from his spot. Even when he is offered various incentives, such as a toy, or his favorite foods, Santiago will…
COSMO-5 Latina Skin-Care Secrets-SliderPhoto

Latino Traditions & Superstitions for the New Year

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Latino traditions & superstitions for the New Year vary from those in the US! When I first came to the United States from Mexico, people made fun of me because I had my superstitions all wrong. I used to fear martes y trece, instead of…