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Spring Cleaning For Your Baby-MainPhoto

Spring Cleaning for Your Baby

Spring cleaning is a common practice for many families. We often take extra time to dust, clean closets, and shampoo upholstery in the spring but, when we have a baby, there are some special baby safe cleaning procedures that should be added…
10 Signs You May Have an Eating Disorder-SliderPhoto

10 Signs You May Have an Eating Disorder

I’ve shared my own struggle with an eating disorder here on Mamiverse and in two of my books: I Feel Fat and Fear of Eating. No two stories of battling anorexia, bulimia or compulsive overeating are the same and because food is a substance…

Dad Gone Shooting Mad!

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This is how not to parent a teenager. While we can certainly understand this father’s frustration with his daughter’s behavior, gun violence—even when aimed at an inanimate object—is never the answer. Don’t take our word for it, take…
Tips to Stimulate Your Child With Special Needs-SliderPhoto

Tips to Stimulate Your Child With Special Needs

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Early intervention, therapy and stimulation may consume your life after your child is born with special needs or has been diagnosed with any type of disability. You’ll hear time and time again that the first three years of a child’s life…
5 Mom Tested Tips to Beat the Dinner Rush-SliderPhoto

5 Mom Tested Tips to Beat the Dinner Rush

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It’s that time again. That hour right before everyone gets hungry and needs to eat dinner, also known as the dinner rush. That hour where your children are tired and cranky after a long day. With three kids, usually one on my hip, I know…
Top 5 Breast Pumps-MainPhoto

Top 5 Breast Pumps

I had the hardest time when I started breastfeeding my baby. Not because I didn’t have enough colostrum for him—quite the contrary—but because, as a first-time mom, I felt clumsy and frustrated every time I had to feed him. Was I doing…
15 Beautiful Reasons to Love Venezuela & Its People-SliderPhoto

10 Reasons to Love Venezuela and Its People

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As Venezuela continues to roil in violent political unrest, our hearts are with the people of the this beautiful nation. And, as a reminder of all the things that are great about Venezuela, here is our list of 10 reasons to love Venezuela…
How to Prevent and Correct Hyperpigmentation-MainPhoto

How to Prevent and Correct Hyperpigmentation

You've heard more than once that Latinas are prone to dark spots due to increased melanin production in our skin, but is the sun the only thing causing it? Research shows some of the things you least expect are causing hyperpigmentation —…
5 Ways to Add Variety to Your Picky Eaters' Diet-SliderPhoto

5 Ways to Add Variety to Your Picky Eaters' Diet

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Not a day goes by that I don’t receive an email from one of my readers or subscribers to Momables, specifically asking how they can add a variety of foods to their picky eaters' diet. The first thing I tell them is: you are not alone. You’d…