Why an Annual Checkup is So Important for Moms
Health, Medical News
As mothers juggle many responsibilities, we often forget to take care of ourselves. But moms cannot afford to get sick, and the best way to stay healthy is through prevention, early intervention, and management of chronic conditions. That’s…
When Your Kids Have a Stepmom: Here’s How to Cope
Health, Parenting
UPDATED August 1st, 2016
After divorce, it is expected that both parties will go on with their lives, and this may include starting new relationships and possibly remarrying. Stepmoms have been demonized throughout history and through…
New Moms: Know When You Need a Break!
Featured Video - Health, Health, TV MamiWhen you start answering the phone: Hi, it’s Mommy—and your kids are in the room with you—it’s time for a break! A huge part of being a good mom is knowing when you need to call a sitter so you can make some ‘me’ time to recharge…
Prenatal Yoga Benefits for Baby & Mom
Fitness & Exercise, Health
As a certified yoga teacher, I could go on and on about the benefits of yoga. I’ve been a yogini myself for 15 years and I believe wholeheartedly in an active yoga practice. Yoga is especially beneficial during pregnancy and can help both…
How to Introduce Your New Boyfriend to Your Children
Health, Parenting
So you’re in a new relationship and it’s going well—well enough to consider moving a step forward. It’s time to see if your new guy fits into your daily life and has a good vibe within your family. He’s got to pass muster with the…
Getting Along with Your Stepmom
Empowerment, Health
I have been blessed with having more than one mother in my life. And I have been blessed to have two stepmoms, so I have had to learn about how to deal with them to keep the peace and maintain a healthy relationship with my father. Specifically,…
Addressing Down Syndrome Awareness Month as the Parent of a Child with Special Needs
Health, Parenting
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. As parents we are our children’s best advocates and we are responsible for educating others about this condition. We want our children and our communities to be aware of the abilities of children…
Baby's expressions when mom blows her nose!
Featured Video - Health, Health, TV MamiWhen mom blows her nose, baby Emerson’s alternating expressions of horror and delight are absolutely priceless. It’s enough to make a new mom look forward to cold and allergy season! For more fantastic MamiTV videos and content, visit…
5 Steps for Disciplining Your Stepchild
Health, Parenting
If getting them to like you is your priority when it comes to your stepchildren, then good for you for wanting to foster strong bonds with your extended family. But that doesn’t mean you put aside solid rules and thoughtful discipline. Here…