Dad Entertains the Laughing Quadruplets
Featured Video - Health, Health, TV MamiThis vid is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Dad’s a natural performer and these adorable quadruplets prove that laughter is infectious. And we love the table with built-in babyseats! For more fantastic MamiTV videos and content, visit…
My Close Encounter With Skin Cancer
Health, Medical News
You know how when you are young you think that the bad stuff only happens to other people? You believe you’re immune and immortal, and are sure the advice parents give is just to “pop our bubble” or “rain on our parade”? Well, that…
How to Find Low-Cost Mental Health Care Without Insurance
Health, Medical News
While most of us don’t think twice about consulting a doctor when we have a physical illness, many find it difficult to seek help for emotional issues. However research shows that physical and mental health are strongly interconnected and…
Kids With Food Allergies? Try These Tasty Substitutes!
Diet & Nutrition, Health
It seems like every other kid out there has food allergies; and with new food products popping up in the grocery store every week, the questions about food allergies continue to grow. Between 1997 and 2007 the food-allergy rate rose 18%! So…
How a Video Monitor Can Help Loving Fussy Babies
Health, Parenting
I am home all day with my lovely little girls who are both under two years old. Raising two under two has its perks—we’re getting all the diapering and sleepless nights out of the way all at once, but it has significant challenges that…
Deaf Girl Hears for the First Time
Featured Video - Health, Health, TV MamiAfter being abandoned at only eight-months old, five-year-old Jayde Scholl spent her first four years in Chinese orphanage. Luckily, she was adopted by a loving Tulsa family and her new mom just happened to be an audiologist who quickly realized…
Why We Need to Think About Organ Donation
Health, Medical News
A very long time ago, I decided that the day I died, I wanted to have my organs donated. Perhaps it was remembering loved ones that died waiting for an organ, coupled with the fact that a close member of my family was saved by a bone marrow…
Refusing to Be a Victim of Cancer
Empowerment, Health
When I think back, there was a time when I was literally obsessed with the thought of cancer. The day my mother shared with the family she had been diagnosed with cancer, I remember telling her, “I love you with one breast or none.” I…
Sea Monkeys: Great Starter Pets for Kids!
Health, Parenting
Who didn’t have Sea Monkeys as a child? That’s exactly what I knew them as, even as a child in Argentina, where the Spanish translation would have been monos marinos. They are tiny tadpole-like creatures. Slightly hairy with a long thin…