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Family Activities that Focus on Giving-MainPhoto

7 Family Activities that Focus on Giving

As parents, we can teach our kids to focus on giving and find joy in helping others. How?  The same way we’ve taught them everything else: begin at home and lead by example. Remember, the kids learned to brush their teeth by watching you.…
Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe During the Holidays-SliderPhoto

Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe During the Holidays

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The last things parents want to think about at the holidays is their kids being in some type of jeopardy. But like it or not, the holidays present some unique situations that could make your kids vulnerable to unwanted touching. Awful, but…
9 Bible Verses To Celebrate The True Meaning of Christmas-MainPhoto

9 Bible Verses To Celebrate The True Meaning of Christmas

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 Christmas means a lot of different things for different people, depending on one’s faith and perspective. But amid all the commercialization and rush to buy, buy, buy, it’s easy for even the most devout Christians…
Gifts teach kids giving

5 Gifts That Teach Giving

It's that time of year—chilly weather, toasty hands in mittens wrapped around warm mugs of hot chocolate, holiday music on the radio, and your rosy-cheeked child pointing at every toy that catches her eye, saying, Oh, oh! I want that!…
5 Ways to Maintain the Spirit of Giving All Year Long-MainPhoto

5 Ways to Maintain the Spirit of Giving All Year Long

The holidays inspire us to open our hearts to the spirit of giving to others who have less than we do. But what happens after December 25? The homeless still need hot meals, children still get sick, and animals still need to be adopted. So…
5 Steps for Reconnecting in a World of Increasing Isolation-SliderPhoto

5 Steps To a Happier & Less Isolated You!

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Being happy is closely linked to feeling connected to other people, and having meaningful relationships. Emotional isolation, however, is a growing problem, with more than one out of three adults aged 45 and older describing themselves as…
Don Miguel Ruiz Quotes Based On The Four Agreements-MainPhoto

12 Don Miguel Ruiz Quotes Based On The Four Agreements

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 Don Miguel Ruiz is a Mexican author, whose bestselling book, The Four Agreements has sold over four million copies. His books are available in many languages, including English and Spanish, and they are short and…
Getting Your Kids to Share a Room Without Bickering-MainPhoto

Getting Your Kids To Share a Room Without Bickering

Any parent of two or more children who share a bedroom will probably be very familiar with the issue of sibling rivalry. Although sharing a bedroom seems like a great way to encourage kids to develop stronger relationships, room-sharing can…
5 Foods That May Contribute To Stress At Work-MainPhoto

5 Foods That May Contribute To Stress At Work

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The old adage is true: you are what you eat! Following are 5 foods you may want to avoid as they may contribute to stress at work. While you may not have control over your mounting workload, you’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to…