The 10 Best Things About Being a Stay-at-Home Dad
Stay-at-home dads may be the subject of a lot of jokes on sitcoms and in the movies, but the reality is, they work just as hard as stay-at-home moms do. Plus, they get added benefits that working dads don’t get to reap—from more time bonding…
The Benefit of A Private Coach for Kids
In today’s ultra-competitive world, a private sports coach simply makes sense for a young athlete. The complexities of sporting teams, clubs, private schools, and college sports is increasing and a private coach can help navigate those murky…
The Emotional Toll of Unemployment
Years ago, as a reporter covering the immigrant community in Washington, D.C., I wrote about two seemingly unrelated, but ultimately inter-connected phenomena. The first had to do with a high rate of domestic violence among immigrants. The…