

Great Innovators & Inventors of Black History

The first time I heard of Black History Month, I was in high school. There was a display set up in a trophy case, highlighting some books that had been set aside in the library to mark the month. That was it. But it was just enough to pique…

How to Make Studying Fun for Your Kids

When children hear the words: It’s time to study, they think they’re being hauled off to experience some kind of punishment. What they don’t know is that studying can be fun, interactive, and can happen on a daily basis without them…

How Your Kids Can Show Teacher Appreciation

As an educator I want to be recognized and appreciated every day, but not in the ways you may think. Awards are nice, as are year-end gifts, but there are simpler, better ways to show teacher appreciation. I’d much rather my students shower…

5 Must-Have Apps for Elementary School Students

As more and more Latino families turn to smartphones and tablets to access the Internet, it’s important to know which apps are available, safe, and beneficial for your child. So we’re doing the legwork for you, and we’re finding apps…

5 Books to Empower Your Child in the New Year

As the end of the year approaches, we start thinking about new beginnings. Just like adults, children may need some empowerment to face the fears they’d like to leave behind or the skills they want to master. Sometimes finding the courage…

10 Gift Ideas Using Your Children’s Artwork

I used to put all my kids’ artwork and paper drawings in a box with hopes to someday, when they are older, show them their masterpieces. I soon discovered that one box for two kids was not enough and that even a second box filled up quickly. How…

Write to a Friend Month: Reviving the Dying Art of Letter Writing

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter in the mail? When was the last time you sent one? Not just a greeting card—but an actual letter on paper. Chances are you remember receiving many more handwritten letters in years…

Kids Lose Out When Schools Cut Arts Programs

Our kids are the losers when schools cut out arts programs. And yet, every time state budgets get tight and deficits grow, the “powers that be” are quick to sacrifice art, drama and music classes. And even if the budget crises pass, these…

5 Ways to Keep Your Kids Learning During the Holidays

Winter break is only a few weeks away, and already the kids are getting restless. If you’re wondering how you’re going to keep them busy outside of school, don’t worry! We’ve put together some fun—and educational—ideas for how…