Entries by Dr. Tanginika Cuascud


Childhood Sexual Development Guide

Although we may not like to think of our children as sexual beings, they are. Children are born with the equipment that will later make them able to reproduce. As such, their bodies have been designed to be sexual, and sexual development starts from the time of conception. It doesn’t all start when they hit […]


Why an Annual Checkup is So Important for Moms

As mothers juggle many responsibilities, we often forget to take care of ourselves. But moms cannot afford to get sick, and the best way to stay healthy is through prevention, early intervention, and management of chronic conditions. That’s why an annual checkup is so important. WHY CHECKUPS MATTER Dr. Stuart Pickell, internal medicine doctor and […]


When Your Kids Have a Stepmom: Here’s How to Cope

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 After divorce, it is expected that both parties will go on with their lives, and this may include starting new relationships and possibly remarrying. Stepmoms have been demonized throughout history and through children’s stories. (Cinderella, anyone?) Many women feel uneasy with the idea of sending their children off to their ex-husband’s […]


Getting Along with Your Stepmom

I have been blessed with having more than one mother in my life. And I have been blessed to have two stepmoms, so I have had to learn about how to deal with them to keep the peace and maintain a healthy relationship with my father. Specifically, my father’s current wife is high maintenance, so […]


Back-to-School Immunization Checklist!

Don’t let your child fall ill from a disease that could have been prevented by a childhood immunization. As September approaches and you put together your back-to-school checklist, keep in mind that certain vaccines are required before your child can enroll in daycare or school. This helpful guide includes the names and symptoms of the most […]