Entries by Luisa Colón

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10 Things to Do During Winter to Prep For Summer

During these long, dark winter months, it’s tempting to hibernate and pine for spring. But just because flowers wait until spring and summer to bloom doesn’t mean you have to wait as well. Here are ten self-improvements to make this winter that will have you feeling like a whole new you come springtime.

Should You Give Your Kids Vitamins and Supplements?

Should you give your kids vitamins? You may remember, as a child, gobbling your daily Flintstones vitamin as though it were candy—and it sure tasted like candy, didn’t it? But some would say kids’ vitamins pack the same value as a Skittle or a Lifesaver, since they pass through childrens’ systems without leaving much of […]


Seven Lessons Our Children Teach Us

We teach our children everything we can think of, from tying shoelaces to crossing the street safely to how to ride a bike. But have you thought about the ways our kids can inspire us? Here are seven valuable lessons we can learn from our children—one to try out for every day of the week.


6 Lessons Kids Can Learn From the Super Bowl

Super Bowl Sunday isn’t all about beer, junk food, and blaring flat-screen TVs. Football can actually teach your kids a lot of lessons that have have real-world applications—even if the “classroom” is your living room-turned-temporary-man cave. Here are six important lessons kids can learn from the Super Bowl. 1. COLLEGE IS COOL Before every big […]


Why Home Birth May Not Be For You

I live with my partner and our toddler son in a Brooklyn neighborhood called Park Slope which is famous—some might say infamous—for being family-friendly almost to the point of tyranny. Just look at the bossy parental behavior featured in the popular video Sh*t Park Slope Parents Say. There are some things that seem quintessential to […]


Five New Year’s Resolutions Inspired By My Grandmother

My New Year’s resolutions are inspired by my grandmother. My Abuela has been gone a long time, but I think about her every day. She was smart, tough, courageous, capable—and unfailingly feminine and ladylike, too. This coming New Year, instead of the usual vague, easily broken resolutions I’m fond of making (like, “Get more stuff […]


5 Ways to Beat Winter SADness

It’s fitting that the acronym of Seasonal Affective Disorder is SAD. Those who suffer from SAD during the dark days of winter feel as bleak as the chilly landscape around them. But don’t lose hope during those frigid winter months: here are five ways to beat those “winter blues.” 1. KNOW THE FACTS It’s important […]


6 Ways to Stick to Your Diet During the Holidays

It’s a holiday tradition as familiar as Black Friday or trimming the tree: abandoning your diet in favor of those tempting holiday indulgences. But instead of dreading the scale once the last Christmas cookie crumbs have been swept away, try these six tips stick to your diet this season. TAKE CHARGE One of the most […]