

Time management is not just a fancy term. In fact, those who have tapped into solid time management skills probably find that they get a lot more accomplished during the day and they also feel better. Maximizing one’s time is something of an art but, since we are all usually at the mercy of a rigorous work schedule, we lose site of the possibility of (gasp) more time. Well,if you can find a way to create a little more of it early in the day, we promise your mornings will start to feel nothing short of sacred. Consider what the U.S. Army says about its own time management M.O.: “We get more done before 9am than most people do all day.”

So how do you get a productive start to your day? It’s not as hard as you think. Begin with a little planning and a little “me” time to set the tone. The kids will still misplace their homework from time to time and there will be days when nothing goes right. We can’t make it all perfect for you but we have listed 10 time management tips to get your day off to a productive start.

1. Bring the Zen
One of the best ways to master time management is to get up (at least) ten minutes earlier to meditate. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and clear your mind. Put aside all the tasks you have for the day and enjoy the quiet and go to your happy place.

Read Related: Wake & Partake! 10 Surprising Ways to Become a Morning Person