

Does this sound familiar? Leave work, pick up the kids from daycare, take one to football practice, and take the other child to ballet. Pick up kid from football, pick up kid from ballet, and pick up fast food dinner. All too frequently, we give up nutrition to buy a few minutes of time. It’s no wonder there’s an obesity epidemic in America. But there are some simple things we can do to rev up family meal planning skills, and it begins with balanced nutrition.

The Mayo Clinic recommends starting with this basic framework, “Plan on fish twice a week and at least one meatless meal. Meatless entrees can be beans or even tofu.” To help you do what is best for your family during autumn, try some of these family meal planning ideas to take make this season’s meals easy and nutritious.

1. Make-Ahead Meals
Get a head start on your week by cooking on the weekend and packing your freezer with make-ahead meals.

Read Related: Back-to-School: Lunch Inside the Box!