

There are all sorts of ways to impress your boss, but it takes a certain amount of skill and artfulness. Sometimes making just the right impression requires tapping into your inner Meryl Streep and pulling off Oscar-winning performances day in and day out. Sound exhausting? It is. But if it works, it’s the best thing you can do for your career. Power players in Hollywood and Washington D.C. know that the art of sucking up or as it’s called in the business world “managing up” is a smart tactic. But only if it is done as authentically and subtly as possible.

So whether your boss is a saint or Satan, here are 14 ways to make a positive impression on the person pulling the strings on your job’s safety and satisfaction. Because as the old adage says ‘flattery will get you anywhere,’ but only when it’s combined with good work as well.

1. A Few of Her Favorite Things
One of the best ways to impress your boss is to learn her coffee order, favorite lunch, and the kinds of information she likes to have. Feed all of it to her without being asked. You will become indispensable, and besides, who wouldn’t love this kind of personal attention?

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