Tips on managing motherhood



New Mom Fears: Irrational, Realistic or a Little of Both?

I am not by nature a fearful person. Okay, so I have a slight fear of heights and an hysterical fear of cockroaches…but in general, I don’t tend to fear the worst, worry about bad things happening or always anticipate a rainy day, literally…

A Mom's Tips for Treating the Croup

I remember the first time my son had the croup. It was a really scary night. He woke up at 2a.m. wanting his bottle and to my surprise, he was boiling with fever when I picked him up. His fever was soon accompanied by a horrendous cough. Like…
Put Yourself First When Setting New Year’s Goals-MainPhoto

Moms: Put Yourselves First When Setting Goals

Putting yourself at the top of your priorities list for the New Year may sound selfish. After all, as mothers and wives, we all have that tendency to set our New Year’s resolutions based on our family’s needs, and especially on our children’s…

First Steps When Your Child is Born With Special Needs

The diagnosis is a reality: your child has special needs. Receiving the news of a child’s disability is one of the hardest times in the lives of a family or a couple. Nobody expects or wishes to have a child with a disability, but it happens…

How Becoming a Mother Cured My Eating Disorder

For most of my life, I’ve struggled with disordered eating. Prior to getting married, I saw a renowned therapist in my area. She helped me understand what healthy eating and a functional relationship with food looked like. But I had little…

How To Answer Your Kids' Difficult Questions

I am the mother of two young, restless and inquisitive boys. They are curious about everything and very often ask difficult questions that I have to try to answer. Some recent examples: Why is water so wet? How does a baby get into a mom’s…
Baby Oliver Doesn't Like Naptime to End!

Cute Baby Alert! Oliver Doesn’t Like Nap Time to End!

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Who can't use a daily dose of cute baby antics? Baby Oliver is definitely ready for his close up. No one likes it when nap time is over, and this little guy goes through an entire day’s worth of emotions as he struggles to wake up. We see…
New Moms: Infant Toy Safety

New Moms: Infant Toy Safety

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It’s important for new moms to educate themselves on the safety of all things baby related—and this is especially true for toys since they spend so much time in your little one’s mouth. Amanda Edwards offers some great tips on toy safety…
Baby Milestones: Starting Solid Foods-VID

Baby Milestones: Starting Solid Foods

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Have you been noticing that your baby seems mesmerized by watching you eat? It might just be time to start introducing solid foods into the mix. If you aren’t quite sure how to get started, Amanda Edwards has some great tips for new moms on…