

Mixing Traditions for a Merry Bicultural Christmas

Fifteen years ago I married Carlos, a Salvadoran immigrant who spoke little English. Because we were young, pregnant, and poor at the time—instead of moving to our own place—I moved Carlos into my parents’ house where I was still living.…

Medical Myth Buster: Stay Warm or You’ll Catch a Cold

Myth: Stay warm and dry, or you’ll catch a cold. How many times did your mother or abuela urge you to don a hat, wear a heavier coat, or sleep with an extra blanket, all so that you wouldn’t catch a draft and therefore catch cold. It’s…

5 Questions NOT to Ask an Adoptive Family

One challenge adoptive families face is navigating the questions that well-meaning people ask. Here, we share five questions you should never ask of someone who is adopted or of a family who has grown through adoption. 1. IS HE YOURS? While…

Life Coach Francesca Escoto: Tips to Help Latinas Survive the Holidays

For many, the holidays are a time to spend with family—for better or for worse. We dine together, we gift together, we shop together, and it’s likely we “drama” together. I spoke with Francesca Escoto, author, life coach,speaker, and…
You can improve your marriage by talking about it

How to Improve Your Marriage By Talking About It!

Oprah says you can improve your marriage without talking about it? I don't think so! My husband and I don’t do it every night, but we should. Sometimes when we do, it’s only for a minute or two, until one or both of us falls asleep.…

What to Do When Your Husband’s Ex Interferes

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 When I began dating a man with a cute, round-headed toddler, my concern was not that he already had a child. I didn’t mind that many of our dates consisted of taking his son to the park or shopping for new shoes.…

How to Help During National Caregivers Month & Year Round

November is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and salute the millions of Americans who provide care to an elderly, chronically ill or disabled family member. Since the National Family Caregivers Association estimates…
12 Reasons Why You Need a Will

12 Reasons Why You Need a Will

Many people believe that only wealthy people need to write a will. Others dismiss the importance of a will because they don’t have children. And then there are those who know they should have one, but aren’t sure why. The truth is, whether…
An American Tradition: The Pumpkin Patch

An American Tradition: The Pumpkin Patch

One of the first places I brought Carlos when he was my boyfriend was to a pumpkin patch, and one of the first things I showed him was how to to carve a jack-o-lantern. I’ve always been interested in other cultures and traditions, but there…