What’s more useful than the human tongue? It lets us taste, kiss, swallow, speak, voice displeasure and, did we mention kiss? This marvelous muscle does more than allow you to enjoy the sweet taste of ice cream—or that of your lover’s lips. It also serves as a barometer for your overall health.
Both Eastern and Western medicine use the tongue to gauge the body’s health. “Usually, the tongue gives the clearest indication of the nature of disharmony in the body, which leads to disease,” acupuncturist Mary Saunders tells NaturalHealth. And as any Mom will tell you, the best way to tell if a child is sick is by looking at their tongue. What your tongue says about you is almost as telling as the purple left behind by a grape popsicle. While certainly not a diagnosis, here are some things you should know about your tongue that will tell you if it might be time to call the doctor.
1. White Tongue
A healthy human tongue is pink and uniform in color. White tongue is usually harmless and temporary. Your tongue appears white because the little projections on it are inflamed—dead skin cells and bacteria get trapped between them and create a coating. You should see a doctor if your tongue is also sore or if the white appearance doesn’t go away within two weeks.
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