
Remember that popular book, Go the F**k to Sleep by Adam Mansbach—read brilliantly by Samuel L. Jackson—that made parents across the world simultaneously laugh and cry? You expect a tiny baby to disturb your sleep; but at some point, you hope that you and your child will sleep through the night. If your kid has trouble getting to sleep or sleeping through the night, he may be suffering from a very common ailment, child insomnia.

According to a study by Jennifer Vriend, Ph.D., C. Psych. and Penny Corkum, Ph.D., “Behavioral insomnia is highly prevalent, affecting approximately 25% of children. It involves difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep and frequently results in inadequate sleep, leading to an array of negative effects for both the child and the child’s family.” Not surprisingly, the things that cause insomnia in adults are also generally the source of insomnia in children. If there’s no medical reason for the sleepless nights, you might want to think about following some of the guidelines below. The goal is to get your child (and by extension you) well rested.

1. Create Comfort
Create a cozy sleep environment for your child. Check the mattress to make sure it feels comfortable to you. If this is the second or third child to use the junior bed, it might be time for new bedding. Maybe let your child choose their own blankets and sheets so they can really own the space. Make sure no electronics are beeping or blinking, close curtains and partially close the door to limit noise.

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