
Can You Have a Good Relationship With Your Ex After Divorce?

Would you believe that there is a holiday to celebrate ex-husbands and ex-wives? Ex-Spouse’s Day is April 14, and the purpose of the day is to…remember the good times? Look on the bright side? See the glass half full? Bury the hatchet,…

Raising Testicular Cancer Awareness

Testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer among men 15 to 35 years old, but it can also affect younger boys and older men. For reasons not yet understood, the incidence of this type of cancer has increased considerably in recent…

Fathers Must Teach Sons That Rape is Unacceptable

Many people are upset with some of the news coverage surrounding the Steubenville rape case because they feel that the media is perpetuating rape culture. While I agree with their assessment, I believe the problem is deeper than the media.…

Dads on Love & Valentine's Day

I’m very fortunate to have a father who expressed care from a young age.  It’s often assumed that mothers show their love and dads have a harder time.  One of my favorite Valentine’s memories is a coin bank that my ‘Pa’ gave…

Chicken Recipe For Single Dads

At home we eat so much chicken that the kids just roll their eyes and complain, "Again?" They can complain all they want but they always devour it. And besides, chicken is easy on the wallet, especially if you stay away from processed chicken…

A Dad Confronts Separation Anxiety

For the past couple of weeks, in the back seat of my truck lie two small blocks of packing foam—trash by all appearances, except to me. As I loaded my truck a couple of weeks ago bound for a new chapter in my life, I worried aloud to…

How to Get Your Spouse To Help at Home!

Are you trying to get your spouse to help at home? If your man is only doing 50% of the cooking, cleaning and daily straightening up that comes with being a living, breathing, sentient human being, then homeboy is getting off easy. And despite…

Hairy Men: Love 'em or Hate 'em?

As a child of the hairy men 70’s who began having romantic relationships in the 90’s, I believed all men would always have short hair and clean faces like Tom Cruise and Jason Priestly, that shaving was masculinity’s call to arms;…

Teaching Boys to Cook and Clean

I'm teaching my son to cook and clean. While this might not sound outrageous to you, it probably would have seemed completely ridiculous to my grandparents in Cuba. To them, “I'm teaching my son to cook and clean” would probably have…