Am I a Helicopter Mom?
Life, Love & Relationships
A recent development made me wonder whether I'm a helicopter mom.
My son spent an entire week at The Cowboy's ranch in the lead up to Christmas. It was the longest unbroken time we'd all spent together, and some remarkable changes were…
Top Holiday Books For Children
Book News & Features, Books, Life
Following are my top Holiday books for children, based on my experience. This is one of the best times of the year to get your kids hooked on reading. There are so many wonderful books centered around the holidays.
Many of these stories…
Latina Celebs Who Love to Give Back and How You Can Help
Entertainment, Life
Many Latina Celebs love to give back, especially during the holidays!
I can promise you that women working together—linked, informed and educated—can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. —Isabel Allende
The holiday…
How to Avoid Fighting With Your Spouse During the Holidays
Life, Love & Relationships
Of course you want to avoid fighting with your spouse during the holidays but, how?
Unfortunately the most heated fights of the year between couples occur precisely when they should be experiencing peace on earth and goodwill towards…
5 Topics to Avoid for a Drama-Free Family Gathering
Life, Love & Relationships
Drama-Free family gatherings can happen! But, you need to avoid touchy topics to make them possible.
You love them, but they make you nuts. Can't wait to see them, but you are darn happy to leave or get them out of your house. Is it any…
Tips for a Merry Blended Family Holiday
Life, Love & Relationships
Blended families can also have a merry holiday!
My parents split up when I was thirteen; my father remarried, my mother didn't. Suddenly, the holidays—once a special time when everyone was together, a time to look forward to, to cherish—seemed…
Holiday Movies and TV Specials for The Whole Family
Entertainment, Life
Are you looking for holiday movies and TV shows for the family? Would it really be Christmas without viewing at least part of the TBS A Christmas Story marathon? Or the imperfectly perfect A Charlie Brown Christmas? For many holiday revelers,…
Latinas and Domestic Violence
Life, Love & Relationships
Latinas are widely affected by domestic violence.
He drove me insane. There was just so much I could take. I took revenge.
These are phrases uttered by women who are victims of domestic violence. But tragically, after being beaten…
Busting the Santa Claus Myth
Life, Opinions
Should you bust the Santa Claus myth with your kids?
It was the early eighties. I was in first grade, sitting on a school bus on a class trip, reading a book. The bus pulled to a stop at a traffic light, and one of my classmates looked…