Parenting babies, toddlers, tweens, teens and beyond.


Parenting My Way, NOT My Parents’ Way

True confessions time. We all do things in reaction to our parents, don’t we? I mean, who didn’t say to herself when she was younger, “I’ll never do that when I have children!” On the other hand, we also grow to see—usually much…

Mommy Blogger Exposes Top 10 ‘Mom Lies’

One of the great things about the “Mommyblogger” phenomenon is that the curtain has been pulled back on motherhood for the culture at large. By divulging their challenges, struggles, and guilty secrets, Mommybloggers have broken the fourth…

Why Pets Are Great for Kids

My son was diagnosed with an allergy to dogs. You know, one of those skin-pricking tests they do on babies. Turns out my son was also allergic to a long list of other things like nuts, eggs, soy, wheat, cats, etc. But, since his dog allergy…

Fear, Relief & Protecting Our Children

Tragedies such as the massacre in Aurora, Colorado—and the even more recent shooting at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin—spark national horror, disgust and fear in the heart of every mom in America. But as quickly as that first stab of fear…

Latinas More Likely to Reap Benefits of Breastfeeding

This week, August 1-7, is World Breastfeeding Week, sponsored by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. The annual event is intended to raise awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding, and its essential part in neonatal and infant health.…

Help! I Can't Stand My Kids

Parenting three kids, working full-time, and running a house is often overwhelming. As much as I love my children, there are times when I can’t stand my kids—their attitude—and I need to be alone. Children know how to push our buttons,…

The Challenges of Gay Parenting

UPDATED: August 1st, 2016 Although gay parenting is becoming more common in American society, same-sex parents and children still face many challenges when it comes to raising their children. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 33% of…

Parents of Special Needs Children and Divorce

As the mother of two children with special needs, I know from personal experience that the unexpected arrival of a child who requires assistance for disabilities that may be medical, mental, or psychological may cause two different reactions…

One Woman’s Journey as a Surrogate Mom

Close to a year ago, Ana Perez, 29, posted a question on her Facebook page: Hey, guys, if you had the opportunity to become a surrogate mom, would you?  Though many of her friends went ahead and left their comments, one childhood friend…