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Slideshow of Dominican Republic-SliderPhoto

The Beauty of the Dominican Republic in Images

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[lbgallery ids="46358,46360,46361,46362,46363,46364,46365,46366,46367,46368"] (All photos by Phillippe Diederich)
I Want To Live Heart-healthy To See My Children Grow-SliderPhoto

I Want to Live Heart-Healthy to See My Children Grow Up!

As a mother of three children, ages eight months, three, and 10, I have two simple messages for women who are struggling to make health changes: No more guilt. No more excuses. My wake-up call came a few years ago, after a physical when my…
7 Secrets to Avoid Being an Overscheduled Mom!-MainPhoto

7 Secrets to Avoid Being an Overscheduled Mom

Alarm clock, shower, sleepy kids, breakfast, commute, school, work, doctor’s appointment, the big work meeting, parent-teacher conference, that guilty feeling because the tooth fairy forgot to show up, after school activities, karate, yoga,…
Dad Reenacts Dinner Conversation with 2-year-old

Hilarious! Dad Reenacts Dinner Conversation with His 2-Year-Old

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Who can resist a grown dad dressed like his 2-year-old daughter and delivering her dinner conversation with a completely straight face? This vid is perfect comic relief for any mom who’s spent time negotiating with a toddler at mealtime. David…
COSMO-Latinos and STDs, Facts You Should Know-SliderPhoto

Latinos and STDs, Facts You Should Know

It's no secret that sexually transmitted diseases affect Latinos at a disproportionately higher rate than other groups. Here are the five most common ones, along with a guide on how to detect, treat and prevent them. For a full STD guide,…
Mom Punishes Daughter for Twerking

Mom Punishes 11-Year-Old Daughter for Twerking

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The fallout continues in the wake of Miley Cyrus’ VMA twerking debacle. Although this form of rump shaking has been around since the early ‘90s, 2013 has officially brought the rear front and center. And 11-year-old Jamie Hena is the latest…
Why That Text Really Can Wait-MainPhoto

Texting & Driving Dangers for Teens

It’s 7 AM on a weekday morning. My husband hands our children their backpacks, we say our goodbyes, and we’re off. The kids and I hop into my car so I can take them to school before I head to the TV studios for a morning news segment.…
CollegeMami 8 Family Study Habits That Work-MainPhoto

8 Family Study Habits That Work

Just because you’ve put your school years behind you doesn’t mean you’re done with homework, book reports, and studying for finals. NYU’s Child Study Center reports that kids whose parents are involved with their academics do well…
Slideshow of St. Augustine, Florida-SliderPhoto

St. Augustine, Florida, in Images

[lbgallery ids="45622,45608,45609,45625,45610,45611,45612,45613,45615"] (All photos by Phillippe Diederich)