Entries by Mamiverse Team


4 Beauty Resolutions for Busy Moms

For busy moms,  or any woman who juggles family, career and friends, New Year’s resolutions should be all about simplifying and making life easier. That’s why we’ve put together four easy beauty resolutions for you that will help you look and feel good about yourself year-round! 1. DECLUTTER & UPDATE YOUR MAKEUP KIT What better […]

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Soothe Stressed Skin With a Honey Facial

If holiday stress and snacking are taking a toll on your complexion a honey facial might be just what the dermatologist ordered. Honey is loaded with antioxidants and it’s a natural antibacterial so it works wonders on acne while leaving your skin baby-soft and smelling sweet. For more fantastic MamiTV videos and content, visit Mamiverse! […]